13 Things You Should Remove from Your Website Immediately - wikipidya/Various Useful Articles

13 Things You Should Remove from Your Website Immediately

For a User Experience and SEO

13 Things You Should Remove from Your Website Immediately



When it comes to optimizing your website for better user experience and search engine optimization (SEO), it's important to identify and eliminate elements that may hinder your website's performance. In this blog post, we will explore 13 things that you should consider removing from your website. By doing so, you can enhance your website's engagement, SEO-friendliness, and overall effectiveness.


1. Vague Homepage Headline: Make It Descriptive and Clear


One of the biggest problems on many websites is a vague homepage headline. If visitors can't tell what you do from the headline, they might leave your site. Instead, make the headline simple and descriptive, clearly stating the name of your business category. Remember, the first question every visitor asks themselves is, "Am I in the right place?" You can even test your homepage using a 5-second test to see if visitors can understand what your company does at a glance.


2. Generic Navigation Labels: Be Specific and Keyword-Focused


Generic navigation labels like "Products," "Learn," or "Support" don't provide enough information about your business. Improve your navigation by making it more specific, descriptive, and keyword-focused. For example, instead of "Products," use "Wholesale Medical Supplies." This way, visitors can self-segment and find the content that is most relevant to them.


3. Meaningful Subheadings: Avoid Buzzwords and Be Specific


As visitors scroll down your website, they may come across subheadings like "Our Solutions." However, people rarely use the word "Solutions" when searching for products or services. Replace generic subheadings with specific ones that accurately describe what you offer. This will eliminate visual noise and help both visitors and search engines understand your content better.


4. Ditch the Homepage Slideshow: Keep It Simple and Engaging


While there is ongoing debate about using homepage slideshows, data suggests that they are not effective, especially when there are too many slides. Visitors often miss most of the slides except the first one. If you have an important message, place it at the beginning of your slideshow. Consider simplifying your homepage to engage visitors more effectively.


5. Authentic Images: Use Real People Instead of Stock Photos


Stock photos of people may look polished and professional, but they lack authenticity. Visitors can easily sense when an image is not genuine. Instead, use real pictures of your team or authentic visuals that create a connection with your audience. Authenticity is more important to visitors than production quality.


6. Social Media Icons: Place Them Wisely to Retain Visitors

Avoid placing colorful social media icons in the header, as they act as distractions and encourage visitors to leave your site. You don't want to lose hard-earned traffic. Instead, consider placing social media icons in the footer. This way, interested visitors can find them easily without disrupting their journey on your website.


7. Remove Dates from Blog Posts: Focus on Evergreen Content

13 Things You Should Remove from Your Website Immediately

Unless your content strategy revolves around news, remove dates from your blog posts. Most content marketing focuses on evergreen content that remains relevant over time. Visitors may be hesitant to read an article that appears dated, even if the information is still valuable. If necessary, include the date in the headline or body text rather than displaying it prominently.


8. Break Up Long Paragraphs: Make Your Content Scannable

Long paragraphs are intimidating and often get skipped by readers. Embrace white space and break up your content into shorter paragraphs. Use formatting options such as bullet lists, numbered lists, bold or italic text, subheadings, and multiple images to make your content scannable. Help readers find the information they need quickly and easily.


9. Rethink Press Releases: Optimize Them for the Web


Press releases, as traditionally formatted, are not suitable for the web. They often lack visuals, formatting, and engaging elements. When creating a press release for your website, ensure it aligns with best practices for web content. Include compelling headlines, visual elements, bullet lists, formatting, and relevant internal and external links. Make it an engaging and informative piece that adds value to your audience.


10. Autoplay Videos: Let Users Choose to Play


Autoplay videos can be disruptive and irritating to website visitors, especially if they have sound. It's best to allow users to choose whether they want to play the video or not. If you have video content on your website, consider using a thumbnail image with a play button that users can click to start the video.


11. Complex Contact Forms: Simplify the Process


Contact forms are important for visitor engagement, but complex and lengthy forms can deter users from reaching out. Simplify your contact forms by asking for essential information only. Reduce the number of fields and make the form easy to complete. If you need additional information, you can always follow up with the user later.


12. Slow-loading Elements: Optimize for Speed


Website speed is crucial for user experience and search engine optimization. Remove any elements on your website that slow down the loading time, such as large images, unnecessary plugins, or excessive scripts. Optimize images for the web and enable caching to improve your website's performance.


13. Outdated Content: Keep Your Website Fresh


Regularly review your website's content to ensure it remains up to date. Remove any outdated information, expired offers, or discontinued products/services. Outdated content can confuse visitors and make your website appear neglected. Consider implementing a content maintenance schedule to keep your website fresh and relevant.


Remember, these suggestions are not hard and fast rules, but rather guidelines to help you optimize your website for better user experience and performance. It's important to understand your specific audience and tailor your website accordingly. Regularly monitor and analyze your website's performance to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions.




By removing these 13 elements from your website, you can enhance the overall user experience, improve SEO-friendliness, and increase engagement. Remember to regularly review and analyze your website's performance to identify areas for improvement. By optimizing your website, you can create a positive and memorable experience for your visitors while achieving your business goals.


Remember, these recommendations are not absolutes, and there may be exceptions based on specific use cases. However, implementing these guidelines will help you create a website that performs better and delivers a compelling message to your audience.

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